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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
As a family friend for over 50 years, Donald and Marie Goodell personify integrity in business and in their passion of racing.
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mr. Donald Goodell. As a racer at the Danbury Racearena, he drove for himself with some success, but whose real passion came through as a car owner and was able to provide opportunity's to many local racers including, Jimmy Broderick, Glenn Sullivan, Willie Hardie Jr, and Lloyd Agor.
He was friend and boss to my father up until his passing due to a severe long term illness. You will be missed Don, by us all.
I have provided below a link to a guestbook that we will provide directly to the family.
(Guest Book has been disabled, thanks to all who participated!)
Please email me at Makinglaps@aol.com if you would like an address to foward cards and letters, that will be forwarded to the family.
I have pasted below the Obituary from the Danbury News Times, with address, dates and times of all services:
Donald Francis Goodell
Donald Francis Goodell, 69 of Orchard Heights, New Milford, died Tuesday, March 1, 2005, at New Milford Hospital. He was the husband of Marie Cayea Goodell.
Mr. Goodell was born in Ellenburg Center, N.Y., June 6, 1935, son of the late Walter and Emma Tacey Goodell.
He was the founder and president of Circle Asphalt Paving for 36 years, retiring in 2000. He formerly raced stock cars for SNYRA at Danbury Fairgrounds. He later owned and promoted racing cars at several race tracks in Connecticut. He was a member of the New Milford Lions Club and Fraternal Order of Eagles.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by two sons: Joseph Goodell and Donald Goodell, both of New Milford; a brother, Richard Goodell, of Ellenburg Center, N.Y.; two sisters: Janice Murphy, of Vancouver, Wash.; and Pauline Fatata, of Utica, N.Y.; and two grandchildren: Samuel and Donald Goodell.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Saturday, 10 a.m., at St. Francis Xavier Church, New Milford.
Burial will follow at Center Cemetery, New Milford.
Friends may call on Friday, 6 to 9 p.m. at the Lillis Funeral Home, 58 Bridge Street, New Milford.
Contributions in his memory may be made to New Milford Hospital Cancer Center, 21 Elm Street, New Milford, CT 06776.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 02:51, 2005-04-02
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!