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USAC driver critically injured in accident: U.S. Auto Club driver Cameron Dodson has been critically injured in a crash along a rural Han**** County road. The 20-year-old Dodson drives for Carl Edwards' team and was the USAC Silver Crown series rookie of the year in 2007. He won one race in four starts this year. Methodist Hospital spokesman Gene Ford said Dodson was in critical condition Wednesday evening but did not disclose the nature of the injuries. The Daily Reporter in Greenfield reported that authorities said Dodson was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown from his car when it went off a county road into a ditch about 20 miles east of Indianapolis early Wednesday.(AP/ESPN)(11-19-2008)
UPDATE: Injured USAC driver Cameron Dodson remained in critical condition Friday at Methodist Hospital. Dodson, a 20-year-old from Greenfield, was injured when he was ejected from his passenger car as it veered into a ditch Tuesday in Han**** County. Cards may be sent to the driver in care of Rising Star Management Group, 6199 SW Leland Ave., Des Moines, Iowa, 50321.(Indianapolis Star)(11-23-2008)
UPDATE 2: "On this Sunday, we are fortunate to be able to report more good news about Cameron's condition. The intracranial pressure has continued to decrease and that is a great step in showing the swelling and pressure of his brain is subsiding. This morning, the doctors were so confident in this step that they were able to remove that monitor. This will allow them to continue to proceed with other treatments. They are also adjusting medication and treatments to slowly allow his body to start controlling some of its own regulating and functions. Additionally, the preliminary stages to hopefully start the gradual process of regaining consciousness has started. Early measurements will be used to try and monitor when he is awake or asleep; so while it may seem that this process is moving slowly, he is doing well considering the condition he was admitted in. By no means is his status upgraded yet but we are all thankful for these small notches towards our goal of having Cameron healthy and back to his vibrant self. Deep thanks go out to the staff at Methodist Hospital, the greater Greenfield and Indianapolis communities, and all of his friends, sponsors, fans and fellow competitors who are sending encouraging messages of support. In the coming days, those positive words will continue to be very important so please keep them coming as we approach Thanksgiving." Camerondodson.com.(11-24-2008)