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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
You're my kinda guy, peewee. Can't stand the guy myself. But, I'm fond of his dog though. He has a beautiful Boxer named Tyler. Tyler is also a celebrity, his face appears on many a Milkbone package. They say that "dogs resemble their owners", but in this case the dog is better looking!
Boy, if nobody gets this one now!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Wheeler, This is not a tuff one but it gives a chance to coin a phrase used by Sterlin Marlin last year I just got taken out by that "BUG EYES BUG EYES". Mr GET THE JOB DONE Gregg Biffle is the answer. RMF
Well RMF, since the name alone will not be typed here by the
"fans with taste",
peewee and I graciously give you an honorary "expert Roush trivia award"!
Hard question, you're great. And for your reading pleasure, we dug up the official quote from Marlin. Remember to read it with a slurred Tennesee accent!
Sterling Marlin: "I got run over by the bug-eyed dummy, I guess."
Marlin and Greg Biffle were in mid-pack early in the race at Watkins Glen when Biffle tried to get by Marlin, Marlin appeared to give Biffle some room, but Biffle when up into Marlin, spinning the No. 40 Dodge into the tire wall.
As for Tyler, may he turn on his master the next time he does something stupid....or at least lock him out of the motor coach after the race!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 08:47, 2005-03-04
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Brat & Peewee, Thanks for having some FUN with this one BUT I have to tell you a Roush Trivia Buff I'm not. The facts speak for themselves THE BUG EYES GET'S THE JOB DONE there are a couple of CUP driver that should pay close attention to this TWO TIME NASCAR CHAMP. RMF