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Future of Fitz Motorsports in doubt: Nationwide Series team owner Armando Fitz isnt sure if he wants to bring his Fitz Motorsports team back for 2009. Fitz has had a difficult year, personally and professionally, and doesnt know if he wants to fight the battle as an independent team owner. Fitz lost both of his parents in 2005 but said this year has been nearly as difficult. I really never thought I could have a year worse than what I had in 05, losing my parents within six months of each other, Fitz said. This year has been right there. Its not just the competition side of it. Its the sponsors and employees, just everything. Its been a bad year, a hard year. Fitz is currently separated from his wife, Mimi. And now, Fitz doesnt know if hell be back or not. Fitz has talked to investors about buying into the team, saying he has let investors know about his financial struggles and what debt any potential partner would need to assume. Fitz said a merger with another Nationwide team isnt likely. I would love to do that, but lets not kid ourselves, Fitz said. My deal is a struggling deal. There are vendors that are owed money and there are vendors who have been incredible with me and worked with me. Some of these other teams that are struggling, theyre like, Why do I want to merge with another struggling team? Fitz said he has sponsorship for 15 races for next season.(Scene Daily)(11-18-2008)