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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Ok "PAL" Where u wana meet???? At one of the establishments for lunch???? How bout a drink at the waterfall???? Maybe....you can sit at one of the slot machines right after we get out of the banquet and I will tell you how Teddy's speech was...cause thats where I noticed A few of the common fans hanging out looking for autographs.
I do realize that the Barney car is number 14, BUT when the Bear Mobile last ran the Tour IT WAS NUMBERED 14. The Barney car has run as number 41 quite often.
I also wonder why Greenfield would stray away from the 06, and to to a team that has consistently NOT WANTED TO RUN THE FULL TOUR.
As for Lia back in the #4, I would not rule out that possibility, although I have heard NOTHING of that RUMOR yet.
Actually JR Bertuccio ran Bear's car at the Ice Breaker this year at #74. I hope Donny stays in the trucks. He seems to have a sponsor that'll stay with him where ever he goes. I'm suprised nobody's said anything about Civali.
Ok "PAL" Where u wana meet???? At one of the establishments for lunch???? How bout a drink at the waterfall???? Maybe....you can sit at one of the slot machines right after we get out of the banquet and I will tell you how Teddy's speech was...cause thats where I noticed A few of the common fans hanging out looking for autographs.
WOW Harry you must be a bigshot. I'll bet when you use up your 2 drink tickets you won't drink anymore. Got to save a buck.
Yes Ben you are absolutely right. Annon, I have no problem with you speaking your opinions. BUT direct attacks on our MEMBERS who actually let people know who they are will NOT be tolerated.
I also believe that you are the same ANNON who has made direct attacks at other mebers and at our moderators including myslef.
So lets play fair, or not play at all.