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Claremont, NH. (October 18, 2008)-- Thanks in part to Mother Nature washing out the originally planned race program last month, the re-scheduled Ricky Miller Memorial 100, presented by New England Outdoor Furnaces, will be the final 2008 touring race for modified race cars in New England, Sunday afternoon, Oct 26, at the Twin State Speedway, Claremont, NH.
The race, the first sanctioned by the True Value Modified Racing Series at TwinState, will decide the 2008 series championship. Two Connecticut racers are battling it out for the title. Both are seeking their first championship with the fifth year series.
Chris Pasteryak, Lisbon, CT., takes a 17 point margin into the historic New Hampshire speedway over Mike Holdridge, Madison, CT. Pasteryak is coming off a convincing win at Seekonk, MA., last weekend. It was Pasteryaks second win of the year.
In the Koszela Speed Rookie-of-the-Year title run, Weare, NH., driver Kenny White Jr., has a 24 point cushion over runner-up Joe Doucette, Framingham, MA.
Sundays race, honoring the late Ricky Miller, a former TwinState racer, NASCAR modified competitor, and RiversidePark standout and champion, will serve as a fundraiser for the Victory Junction Gang Camp. Miller, a very popular driver with fans and competitors alike, passed away in 2004
When previously announced in March, Donnie Miller, father of the late racer, disclosed his intent to make the event a fundraiser choosing to benefit the Victory Junction Gang Camp organization. Miller stated, I want this event to mean something special and that is why I decided to make it a fundraiser for Kyle and Patty Pettys fine organization. Miller added, They founded this camp to help chronic and terminally ill children.
Millers goal of $15,000 is close to reality as all 100 laps have been sponsored by area businesses and fans setting a strong foundation for what organizers have been trying to attain.
In addition to an afternoon of racing that also will highlight the Northeastern Midget Association, Pepsi Modifieds, and New England Pro-4 modifieds, fans will have the opportunity to win a number of door prize type raffles to also benefit the Victory Junction Gang Camp. A crisp $1,000 bill will be given away to some lucky fan holding a race admission ticket by Donnie and Barbara Miller, parents of the fallen racer.
Retired driver Donnie Ayer has been named honorary starter for the race. Retired drivers Peter Daniels and Rocket Roger Raymond are both slated to compete. Daniels will drive the Luke Royea, owned and prepared # 2 car, while Raymond will officially retire at the conclusion of the race driving his famed # 162 modified for the final time.
The race, the last touring race of the season, is drawing interest outside the TVMRS. Any additional information pertaining to race entrants will be announced as they are received.
Practice for all divisions begins at 10:00 with heat races for all Open Wheel Sunday competitors scheduled for 1:00 PM. For additional information, call 603-543 -3160