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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Almost sad for it to be over, but actually only the beginning. So many people compare the "500" to NFL's Superbowl, but NASCAR fans are happier after their premiere event than your average football fan. We have the whole season to look forward to than vice-versa. Football fans are sad after the Superbowl, we are just getting stoked.
Already rivalrys have formed, and the chase for the cup is progressing. Would anyone have thought last week that Kevin Lepage would be in the top ten in points after race #1? Or Matt Kenseth would be sitting back 40th in points? It's a long season, 35 to go, every race more exciting than the first.
The favorite to win after leading the most laps, Tony Stewart vented his frustration on the track towards Jimmy Johnson after an admitted blocking manuever caused sparks to fly. Just shortly after stepping out of his car Stwart proclaimed to Chad Knaus that he is "easily accessible". We'll see how accessible Stewart will be, in California next week.
Click on the link below for the unofficial results of the Great American Race of 2005!Thanks to Nascar.com.
Definitly props to, Kevin Lepage and Scott Riggs. Now Lepage's story is more of an underdog done good story, taking the underfunded #37 team to a 9th place finish, but Riggs deserves a shout out for his career best 4th place finish in the #10, which is strongly backed by Hendrick Motorsports. What Lepage lacks in equipment, he has in experience. And what Riggs lacks in experience, he has in equipment. A nice story all around.