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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
On the final night of racing from New Smyrna, Donny Lia set fast time in the Tour Type Mods, but after the redraw Lia will start 5th. Charlie Pastreyak will start from the pole, with Chuck Hossfeld alongside. Ted Christopher will start 4th and Zach Sylvester starts 7th.
In the SK'S Chris Jones will start from pole, with Steven Reed outside, and Dave Michel starting 4th
A late night, and although finishing fifth in tonight's main event, Ted Christopher in Joe and Linda brady's #00! Congratulations, to Joe. Linda, Ted and team, in winning the New Smyrna Mod Championship of 2005!
Mod Finish:
Donny Lia
Eric Beers
Zach Sylvester
Kevin Goodale
Sk's to follow, they are getting ready to take the green for a 30 lap feature.
Well it was a wild one in the SKS, Steven Reed wins, with Eric Beers 2nd, and Dave Michel 3rd
But apparently contact was made between Jones and Reed on the final lap. Jones who was leading, was sent spinning and Reed took the win. However Jones retaliated after the checker and slammed Reeds car into the wall. Unsure of a champion at this time, we will confirm that when we can.
We are going to ASSUME that Steven Reed is the SK Mod champion, with his win and a back of the pack finish for Point leader by 12 markers over Reed going in to tonight, Chris Jones. Now we understand things got quite ugly as Reed spun Jones on the final lap and went on to win. Jones then retaliated after the checker wrecking Reed, then proceeded to start quite the brawl on the fronstretch during post race. When we have official word on a champion we will post it, but ahhhh Mr Jones gives us all somthing to talk about once again.
all I have to say, once again he proved, we need him at the track, not for ability....but for excitement! And weasel teddy laughing in the background, it's not me... its not me (really!)
Still looking for the points, I know everbody's probably waitinng til the OFFICIAL release from fascar, but I wonder if he threw away the championship by buggin, or did Reed take it when he supposedly dumped him?
Doesn't matter if hes in CT or FLorida, he falls out of his tree. But the kid has been fairly calm the whole time, after all the rumors over the winter, but then again he was never on the track with TC.
So my buddy calls me last night an he says, Jones got spun on the last lap leading the race ready to to take the checker for the whole shabang and POW Reed takes him out. So jones bless his pea picking little heart, heads the car toward reed, and drives him in the wall. So Jones backs up into the pits jumps out the car and heads to the frontstretch where evidently there's lots a people ready to brawl! This is where the buddy says I gotta go, there dragging him away, and he got loose, here he comes again, I'll talk to you later Buster, call you tomorrow , and I'm like wait...wait...
Before closing the book on NSS Speedweeks 2005, we certainly have to give a personal congratulations to Joe and Linda Brady and the whole "Brady Bunch" Team, whose never ending dedication to the sport is rewarded once again with the Modified Championship winning team trophy. You all personify what a racing family is, and we wish you the best of luck in your Whelen Modified Tour endeavors in 2005! You are Modified Royalty....
The final results from the week's festivities are up on the FASCAR site. Follow the link below for official Night #9 finishing orders, as well as the champions for each division.
We couldn't be more proud of all the Northerner's whose great dedication brought home the top three division's trophies. And yes guys, we're even considering New Jersey "The North"!
See y'all next year, and in the mean time, Keep Making Laps!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 17:07, 2005-02-21
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!