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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Chuck Hossfeld set fast time in night #5 Modified action, but after the redraw Kevin Goodale will start from the pole, with Jeff Malave on his outside. Other local notables: Ted Christopher will start 4th, Charlie Pastreyak 8th, Zach Sylvester 9th and Justin Gaydosh 11th.
Side note: Ed Flemke Jr will make his first series start tonight from the 15th position.
In the SK'S, Eric Beers in the Zacharias#71 will start on the pole with Dave Michel starting 2nd, with local CT SK drivers Chris Jones 3rd and Mike Holdridge 4th.
As we usually state, these finishes are strictly unofficial. With that said, word has it SK winner Eric Beers may have been disqualified, which would hand the win over to Chris Jones. We will wait for the official finish from FASCAR.
As OWR stated: We only heard that he may have been DQ'd. The official results from FASCAR have Eric Beers retaining the win. Click below for the official FASCAR results:
hey, I heard that eric beers really was dq'd, something about tires. does anybody know if he was or was not? I can't find it anywhere that says there was even any controversy over it.