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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I take the trip down to NSS ever year, and actually camp in the parking lot of the speedway, I get to hear lots of neat conspiracy theories from everybody. It's time I let you in on one of my very own. Indulge me...
Brooksie has threatened more than once to run the SK division separate from the MODS and hadn't done it until the series of 2005. On Thursday during practice, opening-day Eve of the series, we heard that there were at least 54 MODS entered to run, and lots of SK's as well. So, Race Director and pal "Brooksie" announced that for the first time ever, they would run individual features. Many of the Mod guys were disappointed that they didn't know prior, because they could have run both, and many were relieved that they wouldn't have to "deal" with the SK's in "their" feature.
I have to wonder if TC was relieved. Unless you were under a rock for the 2004 racing season at Stafford, you heard about the TC/Jones altercation that infamous Friday night in the summer. Jones was rumored to, (and there are people that swear it came out of his mouth) say that he was heading down to Florida and the NSS Speedweeks to take Christopher out of contention. I personally didn't hear him say it, but I heard it from numerous people,and I am from his hometown area in CT.
Now for the Conspiracy Theory:
Jones has a vendetta against Christopher, Christopher has no love lost with Jones.
Christopher a favorite to win the series in NSS in the Brady Bunch #00 Modified.
Jones' an SK, rumored to "hamper" TC's chances of wiinning the series.
The SK's run separately from the Modifieds for the first year, ever.
Things that make you go hhhmmmmmmm........
On Friday, the first night of competition, my personal thoughts were that the SK's and Modifieds would find their way back to mixed features by the end of the week due to attrition. The car count dropping due to wrecked cars, money running out, just typical NSS field thinning toward the end of the series. There are a few more cars headed down as we speak, most notably Ed Flemke Jr. And we can't forget the Kenny Horton machine who will be wheeled by CT's own "wrenchhead" Stash Butova for a couple of nights before Kenny is scheduled to take over. Can Brooksie justify keeping them separate? Last night's feature saw 20 Mods take the green and 13 SK's. Only time will tell, but you've got to admit, it sure is one of the most justifyable conspriracy theories we've heard yet THIS year.
Thanks for listening....as always just in my own humble opinion.
Sorry andymac, I couldn't get over the resemblence of the little guy to TC! Hope you don't mind I added this to your post! And the other guy looks like a typical New Milford resident!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 07:32, 2005-02-15
Been Making Laps for Years! Just now it's in my Truck and 5th wheel!