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Mayfield in the #41 for Lowe's Test: UPDATE: Jeremy Mayfield will test the #41 Chip Ganassi Racing Dodge today and tomorrow at Lowes Motor Speedway, but Reed Sorenson is still slated to race this weekend at Kansas Speedway, a Ganassi spokesman confirmed. Sorenson is leaving the team at the end of the season to go to Gillett Evernham Motorsports. There will be three Ganassi cars at the test, with Juan Pablo Montoya, Bryan Clauson and Mayfield.(SceneDaily.com)(9-23-2008)
UPDATE: Reed Sorenson said he expects to drive the #41 Chip Ganassi Racing Dodge for the rest of the season despite being replaced by Jeremy Mayfield for the Sprint Cup Series test Tuesday and Wednesday at Lowes Motor Speedway. Sorenson wasnt happy about being pulled for the test but understood the teams decision since he is leaving for Gillett Evernham Motorsports next season. Sorenson said he did not ask if he could test for GEM this weekend because he is still under contract with Ganassi.(SceneDaily.com)(9-23-2008)
Mayfield anxious to drive again: Jeremy Mayfield would gladly race Chip Ganassi Racing's #41 Sprint Cup car if asked, but whether that request will come is still to be determined. "Obviously I'd love to get in the car and drive next year for sure," Mayfield said Tuesday night. "It's a great race team with a great sponsor. We'll see. I'm not going to let the pressure [mount]." Chip Ganassi Racing President Steve Lauletta said he expects Sorenson to finish out the season in the #41 car. "We put Jeremy in the test for today and tomorrow just to kind of get a baseline of a different feel of where we are, knowing that we need to get [our cars] running better," Lauletta said. "That's the only decision that's been made. We'll see how we do the next couple of days and Chip will revisit it and we'll go from there. But right now, Reed is running Kansas and there are no changes other than Jeremy doing this test for us." Mayfield said among his options for next year is possibly starting a truck team or going drag racing. "I feel like I've got something to prove yet," the 39-year-old Mayfield said. "I feel like I've got several years left to race."(SceneDaily.com)(9-24-2008)