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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
What a beautiful day for practice. Sunny and 70 degrees greeted the filled to capacity pit area. Well over thirty five mods and sk mods have arrived and gone through inspection and there is still fifteen or twenty more to come reports chief steward Richard Brooks. Still among the missing are Ed Flemke, Jeff Malave and ever the Florida entertainer, Stash Butova. Bo Gunning and the T.S. team are reported to make a midweek arrival along with Flemke. 14 year old Joey Logano is supposed to run a tour mod along with the debut of fifteen year old Ryan Preece from CT. Gwen Gaummond, a dare stock racer at Stafford, is making her debut in an SK mod. With the high car count, they are going to try to run the sk's in a separate feature. Tim Arre in the Bear motorsports 14 seemed to turn the quickest laps. Also a top contender for the speedweeks title will be Donny Lia, who has come "loaded for bear" with two cars at his disposal. Ted Christopher made only a few quick runs in the red and white Brady 00 and spent much of his day chasing the setup in the Cushman 29 super late model. Not making the trip this year is George Kent who unfortunately is in a bit of trouble with the law reports his neighbor. Lee 350 supermod star Jon MaKennedy is behind the wheel of the Bohler 34.
After a day of practice I am happy to report that there were no crashes and I saw no apparent motor failures. Some pictures will be posted as soon as I can get them uploaded...
First let me thank Chris Mullin and Concrete Express for their reports and pictures. (Be patient while the pictures load, we chose to bring them to you in full size!) Those of us who endured the freezing rain yesterday and the cold sunny windy day today thank you as well. I'm jealous looking at all you guys in teeshirts!
I can't believe that they are actually gonna have 54 cars! Hopefully you will bring us an update on how this new format works. Will there be a separate purse for the SK's? If they do run two different features, a Tour Mod, and an SK, does that mean that drivers like Stash Butova won't be able to run? I would think that Jeff Malave would wheel his own SK in that case. Can't wait to hear from you later Chris.
Some more pictures provided by Chris Mullin and Concrete Express:
Keep watching for more photos and reports from Chris, and the lucky guys in New Smyrna Beach, FL!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 11:26, 2005-02-11
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!