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GEM sues Robby Gordon: Gillett Evernham Motorsports has filed suit against Robby Gordon saying the owner/driver of Robby Gordon Motorsports violated terms of a tentative agreement that would have sold his team to GEM for $23.5 million earlier this year. The deal, agreed to Jan. 29, was pending an audit and other due diligence from GEM, which could have adjusted the price. If the deal had gone through, Gordon would have had a four-year driving contract with GEM that would have paid him $3 million annually plus 45 percent of race winnings as well as insurance and other provisions customary for NASCAR driver agreements a package likely worth at least $5 million annually. Gordon also could have had a spot on the teams board of directors. GEM would have acquired Gordons shop and property in Charlotte. As part of the agreement, GEM pledged to provide Gordon with all racing infrastructure and to support the Gordons car in substantially the same manner in which GEM supports its most supported car in the NASCAR Sprint Cup for the 2008 season. Three days after the agreement was signed, GEM and Gordon announced a technical, manufacturing and marketing partnership. At that time, GEM owner George Gillett, in an interview with NASCAR Scene, stated that he did not buy Gordons operation and was more likely to add a fourth car to his stable and hoped Gordon would add a second or third car to his. We categorically reject the allegations that are contained in the complaint, and the truth will come out if the case proceeds, Gordon said in a statement released through his race team. In the meantime, we think it is best to allow that to happen in the court proceedings rather than in the media. Therefore, although we have much to say, we wont be making a further statement about it at this time. GEM spokesman Drew Brown said the team would not comment on the lawsuit. See full story at SceneDaily or my #7 Team News and Links page.(9-4-2008)