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Seven Guaranteed Starters Ready for Thompson Weekend
Thompson, CT.(August 31, 2008) With seven guaranteed starting positions established, the qualifying trail ending Saturday night with a rainout at Seekonk, two former series champions will be joined by five other race qualifiers when the True Value Modified Racing Series invades the Thompson International Speedway, Thompson, CT Saturday and Sunday, Sept 6 and 7. This weekends two day event will be the third appearance by the fifth year series at the Connecticut oval.
In April, in the season opener, three-time champion, Kirk Alexander, W.Swanzey, NH., was victorious in the first qualifier, winning the event at New Hampshires Lee USA Speedway. When the series visited the famed Thunder Road International Speedbowl, Barre, VT., Memorial Day weekend May 25, home state favorite and 2006 series champion Dwight Jarvis earned the right to represent T-Road at the Big T.
When the series made its annual pilgrimage to Monadnock Speedway, Winchester, NH., to celebrate our nations independence, July 5, series founder Jack Bateman, Canaan, NH., earned the right to celebrate with a guaranteed starting spot for this Sundays race.
Buxton, ME, veteran David Pinkham picked up the Sunoco honors and guaranteed spot mid-summer at the Oxford Plains Speedway, in Pinkhams home state, July 19. Les Hinckley, Windsor Locks, CT., would earn the same honor at Wiscasset Maine Raceway, three weeks later, Aug 9.
Present series point leader, Chris Pasteryak, Lisbon, CT., earned the right to represent his home track, Waterford, CT., Speedbowl on August 16 while the final guaranteed spot was nabbed by Rob Goodenough, W.Swanzey, on Saturday August 23 at his home track, Monadnock.
In addition to the TVMRS, the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour, the RoCModifieds, Pro-4 Modifieds, Sunoco Modifiieds, and Thompson Modifieds will compete. Fans will be treated to 400 laps of feature races.
Grandstand gates open at 10:00 AM Saturday morning with TVMRS practice scheduled from 10:00-11:00 AM. Qualifying is scheduled immediately following NASCAR WMT and RoC time trials which begin at 2:30 PM.
Race fans will be treated to a Fan Appreciation Party Sunday morning. All of the race cars in competition and their drivers will be assembled on the track for a meet and greet, photo and autograph session beginning at 10:30 AM.
Alexander won the 2006 event while Louie Mechalides, Tyngsboro, MA., held off Thompson regular Tommy Cravenho, Raynham. MA., in a crowd pleaser to win the 2007 event. For more info log on to www.thompsonspeedway.com