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Danny Sullivan offers to buy Bill Davis Racing: Danny Sullivan, the "Spin and Win" driver who won the 1985 Indianapolis 500, has put an offer together to purchase the Bill Davis Racing operation in NASCAR. Sullivan, one of the most popular IndyCar drivers when he raced for team owners Roger Penske and Rick Galles, told SI.com on Friday that he has discussed a deal with Bill Davis. Davis confirmed those discussions to SI.com at Michigan International Speedway. "I've been pursuing it but haven't gotten a response from him (Bill Davis)," Sullivan told SI.com in a telephone interview. "He's still dreaming on the price. I have a partner who has lined up the money to do this and we've been kicking around on some stuff. He is (Davis) off on the numbers and had some bigger people chasing it. The last time I talked to him (Davis), I had the money but didn't get the documents that we requested." Davis confirmed the conversations with Sullivan but expressed some curiosity over some of Sullivan's statements. "We've had some conversations," Davis said. "I just heard some of those quotes and I was pretty amazed by them. We've continued to talk to Danny. We've talked to several people, yes. All we've ever talked about with anybody is the entire operation. Davis admitted the only reason he is open to selling his team is the skyrocketing costs involved to keep a competitive NASCAR Sprint Cup team on the track during the grueling season. Davis also has a highly-successful NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series operation.(Sports Illustrated)(8-16-2008)