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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Hey Open Wheel, definetly some interestimg news! Hopefully it is true, because the BNS cannot afford to lose a talent like Santerre from behind the wheel. I figured Grizco would find a way to get Andy behind the wheel. Even if Steve and Peg had to dust off the ITT/Sheraton decals and sponser the team themselves!
Karl Osha, moving to the #45, will only help out a team that was on the rise anyway. I think this will make the Goss Dodge a top five team. Brian Hoar has a lot of experience chasing championships and may be primed for a breakout season!
Now if nascar could only get the schedule straightened out so I know where i am going!
Openwheel and I had the honor of attending the 2003 Busch North Series Banquet, and I distinctly remember Andy saying onstage during his championship speech, that although they had no money and no plans for the upcoming (2004)season, that somehow, someway they would put something together. For the past few months I have gone on the assumption that this would be the case for the 2005 season as well.
It's a good marketing strategy form a team prospective. Put out the word that you have no plans, and maybe a great package will come along. If it doesn't, you pull out the back up plan and dig in your own pocket or whatevers necessary. It's strange that a driver of his caliber wouldn't be approached, but with the series sponsorship in negotiations, and event dates still pending, it's no wonder no "new" teams have surfaced.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Although not suprising by any means, it is saddening that the boys at 1801 Speedway blvd have not gotten the schedule together for the 2005 season. I would think that this is not only negatively impacting the teams in their sponser searches, but also the ability to get TV exposure for the series. The series has been suffering from declining car counts for the past couple years. You would think that NASCAR would want to try to stabilize things, as best as possible, for the series to survive and prosper.