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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
MakingLaps.com has received numerous pictures of this driver, among others, in various cars graciously submitted by their families. We fully intend on featuring these pictures in the Making Memories page shortly, and do not want to do this in haste, as they require the respect and honor that these men have shown our sport.
He will be the first in a series of tributes entitled,
To my father,
From your biggest Fan.
Please feel free to submit pictures of your Grandfathers, Fathers, Sons, Brothers, and such who, like my own father, helped make this sport was it is today, as well as make us the fans we have become. Submit the files, or questions regarding this series to, webmaster@makinglaps.com.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Looks like you got a tough one here FFB, a lot of different top drivers have wheeled "CAR 54" over the years. Come on out there no one has a guess........
Yeah, I Know this is a though one. With the vast knowledge of the members of this board I thought that someone might have a guess. Here is a clue to help you guys along. This driver had a few very dominate years at Plainville, several feature wins at "The Park" and Savin Rock, and came from the back of the pack in an under powered car to score a top 10 finish in the first Thompson 300.
RMF, good try, but it's not Jap. Hard question, considering how many quality drivers have steered the #54 over the years! Keep on trying! By the way, it is an Italian driver.
This driver (think Hot Italian Temper) drove for the Membrino's father. Old man Membrino's wouldn't let Jap drive his car at West Haven's Savin Rock. He knew better.