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Lepage, Front Row Motorsports file suit against Specialty Racing: Frontstretch.com has learned that Kevin Lepage and Front Row Motorsports owner Bob Jenkins have filed a lawsuit against Specialty Racing, LLC, freezing the assets of the company while attempting to acquire its owner points, equipment, and money they claim they're owed. The basis of the suit began in late May, when Specialty Racing informed Lepage that they did not have sufficient funds to run the Nationwide event in Dover, Delaware. In response, Lepage informed Specialty Racing about a proposal that would allow Bob Jenkins from Front Row Motorsports to supply a car, transporter, and engine to run under the #61 banner that weekend. The lawsuit states that after speaking to a NASCAR official, Specialty Racing co-owner Charles Shoffner learned that in order for his team to earn owner's points in a Nationwide event, they would have to supply the employees, equipment, transporter, and cars for the entire weekend. Therefore, his team could not earn points under Lepage's proposal. But even with that limitation, Shoffner states that starting at the June Nashville event and concluding at Daytona, Jenkins did provide equipment to use while Specialty Racing incurred the team expenses. However, when approached in July about signing an agreement that would allow owner's points to be transferred to Front Row Motorsports, Shoffner declined until the paperwork was reviewed by counsel and NASCAR. Jenkins and Lepage then responded by filing the lawsuit at the end of this month. (Frontstretch Newsletter)(7-31-2008)
UPDATE: As the 2009 season starts, Bob Jenkins and Kevin Lepage remain in a lawsuit with Specialty Racing owners Charlie Schoffer and Doug Taylor. Lepage claims Specialty owes him over $155,000 for driving and travel from Daytona in February to Daytona in July last year. Bob Jenkins [owner of Front Row Motorsports] claims Specialty owes him for the use of his cars in 5 races.(2-9-2009)