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nascar thinks the fans can be replaced....... if a few fans leave they do think that a few more will come in, which is why with all of the changes in the last 5 years, the old school fans abandoned the sport.......... the new ones that was brought in,, got bored with it and not there switching the channels....... never thought i would say this but this is a black eye in the sports as of right now..... i do think people at indy that went ot see a decent race deserves to get there money back because it was the worse race i have ever seen
furthermore........ i do think they need to do testing more offen that simulates todays weather condtions, they did say they did tire testing in april, that is what 40 degrees cooler then it was today track temp wise...... if nascar had a problem with indy last year, should have they took the time to do a manatory test within the last 2 weeks so they would know that these tires would not last 12 laps ??????
perhaps next time indy and nascar should look at what kind of product there giving to the fans before there paying money to see these races..... i seen roughly 50k people take after after halfway so that ought to tell you something.......... hopefully brain dead france sees this instead of partying on his boat get feed grapes in the spa.............