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Rusty says Newman was fired; Newman says 'no': Rusty Wallace and Ryan Newman never were pals when they competed as teammates at Penske Racing. Now, the two men have a major difference of opinion over the circumstances of Newman's departure from the No. 12 Dodge at the end of this season. Newman has said repeatedly that he and team owner Roger Penske discussed his situation a few weeks ago when Newman decided he wanted to move on. Wallace insinuated on Friday that Newman was fired. "I'll clear this leaving thing up," Wallace said. "He didn't leave. Roger called Ryan up to his office and said, 'I don't need your services next year.' Ryan didn't come to him and say he's leaving. You all need to write that. That's exactly how it went down. Obviously, there was some bad blood there when that happened. I love Roger, so I'm going to help clear up the story for him." However, in a clarifying statement shortly thereafter, Penske said: "I have read Rusty's comments and it is important for everyone to understand that I did not fire Ryan. His contract runs though 2008 and we sat down and agreed that we were not going forward beyond this year." Newman was told about Wallace's comments about an hour later. "I don't know what Rusty is trying to prove, but that's not the case," Newman said. "Roger and I agreed not to continue our association. If anything, it was me more than him. Our goals didn't align." Wallace, now a broadcaster for ESPN, was Newman's teammate from 2002 through 2005. Their relationship was strained during most of those four seasons.(ESPN.com)