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Mayfield hoping for another chance: Give him good equipment and Jeremy Mayfield believes he can return to the form that got him into the Championship Chase in 2004 and 2005 at Gillett Evernham Motorsports. Unfortunately for Mayfield, his phone is silent. His name is not on the short list of drivers to fill slots at Stewart-Haas Racing, Penske Racing, Joe Gibbs Racing and Richard Childress Racing. It's not there even though his credentials -- five wins, 96 top-10s and two trips to the Chase -- are better than at least half the drivers in the current 43-car field. "I'm the first one to admit I've made mistakes," he said. "Whether it's the Ray's deal and I talked too much or what happened at Penske. It was little stuff. Nothing big, but it all adds up and that's why I'm sitting here today." Mayfield doesn't know how he's going to recover from the two worst years of his career, made worse by his father's death in 2007. He hopes when everything shakes out there'll be an owner with decent equipment willing to give him a chance. If not, he might start a Craftsman Truck Series team. "I've got to make a decision somewhere down the line to do that," he said. "But once you make that move you know you probably won't be back in Cup." And Mayfield wants to be back in Cup so badly that he's willing to work without a contract and for a percentage of his winnings without a guaranteed salary. He'd love for that to be at Penske. He said leaving that organization was the worst mistake he's made, slightly ahead of losing his friendship with Evernham.(ESPN.com)(7-20-2008)