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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
1. Ed Dachenhausen 2. Les Hinckley 3. Mike Holdridge 4. David Pinkham 5. Joe Doucette 6. Ken Bouchard 7. Dwight Jarvis 8. Chris Pasteryak 9. Vinnie Annarummo 10. Andy Seuss 11. Rob Goodenough 12. Kirk Alexander 13. Chris Wenzel 14. Jack Bateman 15. Eddie Spiers 16. Kenny White Jr 17. Shelly Perry 18. Mike Douglas Jr 19. Jon McKennedy 20. Dale Evonsion
Lee, NH.(July 13, 2008) - -Still feeling the effects of his employment supervisor passing last week, coupled with winning his first race with the True Value Modified Racing Series, Danbury, CT., driver Ed Dachenhausen was filled with emotion when he exited his modified racer Friday night July 11, after beating fellow Connecticut drivers, Les Hinckley, Windsor Locks, and Mike Holdridge, Madison, to the checkered flag to capture the The Mill 96 modified race at Lee USA Speedway, Lee, NH.
The race, sponsored by ManchesterNH radio station 96.5 the Mill was checkered on lap 96 in honor of the classic rock station. Glad that the stations radio frequency was not located higher on the FM band, Dachenhausen said, We could have made it to 100 but that 96th lap seemed like an eternity. We knew Les (Hinckley) was back there and knowing how well he runs at Lee, we were glad to see the checkered flag wave. Hinckley won the race a year ago.
This was special for a lot of reasons. Its our first and it was Nils first since Plainville in the 80s. (Car owner Linstedt)We knew we were fast. We have been fast all season. We were quick at Thunder Road and we were fast here tonight. Its good to be getting back to tracks weve already been at this year. Dachenhausen likes that advantage for set up purposes.
Hinckley and Rob Goodenough, Swanzey, NH., brought the field to green with Hinckley taking the top spot immediately and holding it for the first 27 laps until Goodenough moved by, a position he would hold until the 67th circuit. Goodenough set a fast pace, picking up the Black Mountain Painting half-way contingency at lap 48, and he held down the lead until a fast approaching Dachenhausen grabbed it away on lap 68.
Dachenhausen would hold the lead to the finish but would be chased to the end by Hinckley. On late race restarts, Hinckley would pull up alongside the race leader only to find Dachenhausen pull away. And not far back was Holdridge, with another strong run, finishing third, followed by David Pinkham, Buxton, ME., and Koszela Speed Rookie of the Year contender Joe Doucette, Framingham, MA., fifth.
Ken Bouchard, Fitchburg, MA., in only his second TVMRS event, drove a smooth race to finish sixth in his own racer, while 2006 champion Dwight Jarvis, Ascutney, VT.,with no power steering , muscled his way to a seventh place finish, Chris Pasteryak, Lisbon, CT., Vinnie Annarumo, Swansea, MA., and Andy Seuss, Hampstead, NH rounded out the top ten.
The win by Dachenhausen marks the second time a Connecticut driver has won his first TVMRS race at Lee. On October 30, 2005 Jimmy Dolan, Bethel., captured the Oktoberfest race. Like Dachenhausen, Dolans win was a long time coming.
Pasteryak emerged from Lee taking over the point standings lead by four points over defending champion Kirk Alexander. Pinkham fell to third with Holdridge and Hinckley fourth and fifth. Going into Oxford Plains, ME., July 19, Pasteryak has 310, Alexander 306, Pinkham 292, Holdridge 286 and Hinckley 276.
The next event in the 19 race schedule is Saturday night July 19 at Oxford Plains, ME
for the Maine-Ly Action Sports Night 100 Kirk Alexander is the defending champion. Race time is 6:30 PM.
Race Summary: Race # 9
Lee USA Speedway, Lee, NH (0.333 miles)
July 11, 2008
The Mill 96 (laps)
Lap Leaders: Hinckley (1-27) Goodenough (28-67) Dachenhausen (68-96)