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Hendrick Motorsports, has announced its 2005 plans for there Lowes # 5 Busch Series team. Drivers Blake Feese, and Boston Reid will run 13 events between the two of them. Kyle Bush will run 3 events, and several other Hendrick Motorsports drivers will compete in some of the remaining series races.
This bugs me. I have always been against a driver with a full time cup ride running in the busch series. After watching Boston last night on Speed he is absolutely crushed that he even though he can test the car for Daytona he will not be given the opportunity to drive it... let Boston and Blake have the chance, Kyle already got his
Jackie, I am with you 100% on this. I alsways have hated it when the drivers from the Cup series come down and invade the Busch series. In the past, though not as much these days, it has led to some of the lower buck teams not making a race and having to load and go home. Many times the money lost would have benefitted these teams greatly. As a side note, how long will it be until someone hangs the nickname "Sox" on Boston Reid? LOL!
Me three! It's a shame. I don't know if these team owners feel that their "new breed of young guns" need the experience, or they figure "they got em' they'll use em". But there are just too many talents wasted because the rides are just not available. I always wondered to if the Cup guys should be allowed to receive any points for running these races. That would sure deter the owners from using them. Owner points wouldn't accrue, and Cup driver/Owners wouldn't run their own cars, they would be forced to bring fresh new talent or guys without Cup rides into the mix. IMHO!!
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