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UPDATE: #1-Martin Truex Jr. was furious with his Dale Earnhardt Inc. team Thursday after was car was seized by NASCAR officials because it failed to fit the critical roof templates, which are keys to the aerodynamic performance of the car. The immediate effects were obvious enough: Truex was forced to go to a backup after his primary car was taken prior to Thursdays opening round of practice for the Coke Zero 400 at Daytona International Speedway. His DEI team could not get the car ready in time to make the first of only two rounds of practice, which put Truex far behind the other drivers. In fact, of the 45 cars entered in Saturdays race, Truexs #1 DEI Chevy was the only one that failed to make a single lap in the first practice session. And that had the Mayetta, N.J., native irked. Asked what the team told him was the problem, Truex said, Something about the roof template. I dont know. I guess NASCAR wasnt happy with the way it fit. Its their ballgame, its their call. They took the car. Were trying to get our backup (car) ready, they had to put an engine in it and get everything ready. And he made it clear he was not happy with his team. Somebody made a big mistake, said Truex, who is expected to leave DEI after his contract expires at the end of 2008 [Haas/Stewart? Penske? RCR?]. That shouldnt happen at this level of auto racing, but people make mistakes. Well go on. Hopefully well make the second practice. [Happy Hour was rained out, so Truex got no practice](SPEEDtv)(7-4-2008)