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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
NASCAR TOUR-TYPE MODIFIEDS FEATURE (25-laps): MIKE LEATY, Chris Finocchario, Tony Hanbury, Patsy Catalano, Mark Tychoniewicz, Buck Catalano, Jimmy Zacharias, Kris Hillegeer, Matt Lees, Terry Cheetham, Chris Ridsdale, Tom Wiest, Jim Storace, Todd Smith, Tom Kinsella, Bill Hebing.
FEATURE (25-laps): TONY HANBURY, Buck Catalano, Terry Cheetham, Bill Hebing, Jim Storace, Jimmy Zacharias, Mark Tychoniewicz, Patsy Catalano, Kris Hillegeer, Matt Lees, Tom Wiest, Chris Finocchario, Chris Ridsdale, Mike Leaty, Todd Smith (DNS), Tom Kinsella (DNS).
SUPER SIXES HEAT 1: K. Butler, P. Davenport, C. Butler, T. Bennett, B. Malin. HEAT 2: J. Parks, R. Hillegeer, J. Bailey, V. Grant, F. Parsons. FEATURE (20-laps): RYAN HILLEGEER, Patti Davenport, Keith Butler, Jesse Parks, Craig Butler, Bill Malin, Frank Parsons, Van Grant, Joe Bailey, Tammi Bennett, John Semmler (DQ) STREET STOCKS FEATURE (15-laps): BILLY SEMMLER, Willie Strusz, Don Stevens, Mitchell Wright, Phil Alhart Jr., Dan Scott.
ANTIQUE VINTAGE RACERS HEAT: M. McLaughlin, R. Casti, M. Scott, S. Morton, B. Litzenberger. FEATURE (12-laps): MIKE LAUGHLIN (Spt), ROB CASTI (Mod), Brad Litzenberger (Mod), Matt Scott (Spt), BOB WHIPPLE (Hob), Paul Yassello (Hob), Gordie Wood (Spt) (DNS), Shirley Morden (Spt) (DNS).
NASCAR WEEKLY MODIFIEDS HEAT 1: R. Beeman, A. Jankowiak, J. Hamman, S. Malin, P. Wehrheim. HEAT 2: K. Timmerman, A. Lewis, M. Lees, F. Taylor, E. Hawkins. HEAT 3: B. Catalano, J. Polaski, D. Lewis Jr., T. Hanbury, E. Stritzel. FEATURE (35-laps): RYAN BEEMAN, Kevin Timmerman, Buck Catalano, Andy Jankowiak, Jeff Hamman, Daryl Lewis Jr., Andy Lewis, Matt Lees, Jason Hearne, Fred Taylor, Jeff Polaski, Eddie Hawkins, Tony Hanbury, Erich Stritzel, Scott Combs, Russ Brown, Steve Malin, Phil Wehrheim, Mark Tychoniewicz, Ron Wildey II (DNS), Chris Finocchario (DNS).