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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
At this time the Memorial race is scheudled for Saturday May 7th at Riverhead Raceway. It will be a 77 lap feature. As I get more information I will keep you posted.
Hopefully, upon release of the new 2005 WMT schedule there will not be a conflict, and that all the Tour drivers, crews and fans will be able to attend. Thanks Jackie for the news, definitely keep us posted.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I'm shocked Jackie, that the "powers that be" in the scheduling of this memorial race have chosen to change the date to conflict with a current Whelen Modified Tour date. It makes me wonder what Tom Baldwin Sr. would have done in this type of situation. I assume, while verbally regreting his inability to attend due to prior committments with his loyalty being to his team, sponsors, crew and fans, he would have stuck to those prior committments.
In this case having Tom Baldwin Jr. attend, took precedent over having friends and fans, and TB's peers attend the event that have committments to the Tour. Was this decision well thought out? I'm not sure. It just makes you wonder if sometimes having a name at an event was more important than allowing everyone an opportunity to attend. Didn't TB Jr. state previously that he would attend the event no matter what? Of course it is important for him to attend, but like he said during that painful weekend last year, "my Dad would be "perturbed" if I wasn't doing my job". I wonder if anyone asked him specifically what he thought the best way to go was, or if they even took everyone else's feelings into consideration.
Jackie, on a personal note...
While it's only my opinion, I know how heartbroken you must feel. Your importance to the whole team and TB Sr. himself is apparent, and the importance of your presence at this event would be immeasurable. But then again, what would TB tell you to do? How about: You have a committment to your current team, and those idiots forced you to show your integrity by sticking to them! He would be proud of you...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
From what I understood Tommy Jr said he would be at the memorial race with it being the 7th as originally planned. I am sure that didn't sit well with Ray. I know Tommy gave other dates that probably would have worked with the tour but this seems to be the date Riverhead decided on.. I do know the tour teams that were going to be there are teams that should be there, teams such as Brode, Lia and Boehler...
On the personal note:
Thank you very much, I am heartbroken but I also know I do not need a memorial race to think or remember TB and he must know that. I will NOT leave Howie and I know TB would not want me to. Howie was too important to him. If Howie opts to not run Seekonk and run the Memorial race then we can be there. Not a decision the tour guys should have to make though.
I know I speak for several drivers and teams on The Nascar Whelen Modified Tour when I say I wish we could be there . Unfortunately we have a race on that date , but Toms memory will be with us all . Hopefully in the future there will be no conflicts and we can all attend .