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OXFORD, ME Nineteen year-old Late Model stock car driver Joey Polewarczyk, Jr. wiped away two months of bad luck with a dominant American-Canadian Tour victory in the Dunkin Donuts 150 at Maines Oxford Plains Speedway on Saturday night. Polewarczyk won the season-opening ACT Late Model Tour event at Lee (NH) Speedway in April, then finished no better than 18th in the next five events. Weve been competitive and weve always had a fast car, weve just had no luck, said the Hudson, NH driver. After the last race at Waterford we had a team meeting, and we decided to try and just shake it all off and re-focus on winning races. We tried a crazy setup tonight that weve never run before, and it paid off. This is a huge weight off our shoulders. Polewarczyk took the lead from Milton, VT racer Scott Payea on lap 53, then survived restarts on laps 104 and 138 to take the victory. Eddie MacDonald of Rowley, MA made several daring two- and three-wide passes on the far outside lane, including a move over Ricky Rolfe to take away second place with three laps remaining. Rolfe, of Albany Twp., ME finished third. He won the most recent ACT Late Model Tour event at Oxford Plains Speedway on April 26. Patrick Laperle of St-Denis, QC finished fourth over a pair of Turner, ME drivers, Glen Luce and Ben Rowe. Payea, who spun in Turn 2 to bring out the lap 104 caution, recovered to finish seventh. Brent Dragon, Jean-Paul Cyr, and Scott Robbins rounded out the unofficial top ten finishers in order. Ryan Nolin was final driver on the lead lap in 11th place. Fifty-one Late Model cars attempted to qualify for 33 starting spots in the Dunkin Donuts 150, which was completed in just over 54 minutes. Thirty-two of the 33 starters were running at the finish. The ACT Late Model Tour is back in action next Saturday, June 28, at White Mountain Motorsports Park in North Woodstock, NH. For more information, call (802) 244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com.
UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Dunkin Donuts 150 American-Canadian Tour Oxford Plains Speedway, Oxford, ME Saturday, June 21, 2008