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I must say that I love the all the CT tracks. My heart, though, lies with the dirt track racing. So intense!!! If you've never tried watching dirt track racing, I challenge you to watch just one show and walk away saying that you hated it. Try it once, and you'll be hooked.
Hey Speedbee I do agree with all above to a point, DIRT is good for change, but dirt is for horses and dogs to race on, not race cars. Throughout the country there have been many established dirt tracks that are now asphalt and are packing the stands every week. You don't hear of aphalt tracks being turned into dirt tracks. TAR is for me. RMF
Albany-Saratoga and Fonda are two asphalt tracks that quickly come to mind, that went from pavement to dirt. Fonda at one point even hosted a Grand National race on the old Northern Tour the big boys used to make. If memory serves me correctly I believe that Utica-Rome also went from asphalt to dirt. One of the magor factors that influence tracks to go from dirt to pavement is not the quality, or quanity of racing but, the outside pressures of a political nature. When most of these tracks were built, they were remotly located. As soceity continues to grow and encroach upon their confines, they are forced to eliminate the dust that is a by-product of dirt racing. That leaves them with two options, they can pave or they close. I myself am a dedicated pavement fan, who enjoys a dirt event from time to time. Sure would be better if I could figure out a better way to keep the dirt out of the beer though!
Being that I grew up with Asphalt modifieds my heart lies with this division and the tracks that host them . Being a crew memeber on the Featherlite , now Whelen , Modified Tour I have had the oppurtunity to visit several race tracks . Thompson will always rank as one of my favorites because ALL my friends attend the Tour races there . I have tweny plus years of memorys from Thompson . The "BOWL" is where I got my start as a crew member and was once my home track , I remeber sevral Saturday nights becoming sunrise Sunday before leaving the parking lot so I also must list the BOWL. I havealso had some good times at Stafford . But I would have to say from a crew members perspective Martinsville and Loudon are the best . When on pit road at Loudon you look at the stands and feel like you are doing something big . And Martinsville is just a beautifull facility .
As for the DIRT vs. Asphalt war . I spent several years in Upstate NY. The racing at Albany-Saratoga is INCREDIBLE , some of the biggest names in DIRT Modifieds every week . With only 35 laps to GET-R-DONE the competition is fierce . Lebanon Valley also is a good time , and the beer is very well priced ( not that I would know ) . Have also been to Utica-Rome and Fonda and enjoyed the show .
My new home of New Hampshire also offers some decent racing , but no Modifieds on a weekly basis . So that disapoints me a little .
In closing I would just have to say , support your local tracks and the greatest sport in the world .