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Ganassi working to calm Montoya: #42-Juan Pablo Montoya posted the second slowest qualifying lap out of 48 entries and dejectedly climbed from his car. "What did you expect?" he asked. "Seriously, what did you expect?" Montoya is still reeling from the midweek firing of Jimmy Elledge, a personnel decision that's given the former Formula One driver his third crew chief in a month. Frustrated that his opposition to the dismissal went unheeded, Montoya is now worried that his team is ill-prepared for Sunday's race at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Because new crew chief Brian Pattie had just two days to dissect Elledge's setup on the No. 42 Dodge, changes were made on the fly during a difficult Thursday practice session that saw Montoya post the 45th slowest speed. It didn't improve during qualifying, when Montoya was 47th out of 48 cars and will start next-to-last in the Coca-Cola 600. Team owner Chip Ganassi sympathizes with Montoya's frustration, but said Elledge's dismissal was warranted after the crew chief engaged in a heated argument with competition director Steve Hmiel during last week's All-Star race. "We had an employee step over the line, and I'm sorry it happened because I like Jimmy personally, but it had to be done," Ganassi said. "I know Juan is upset and he comes out on the short end of this deal. I apologize for that, but unfortunately it was unavoidable collateral damage." Elledge declined to comment on his dismissal, but Montoya has been vocal in his opposition of the decision. Elledge had only been atop his pit box for four races, dating back to an earlier crew chief swap that sent Donnie Wingo over to Reed Sorenson's slumping team.(AP/ESPN.com)(5-24-2008)