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During post-race technical inspection, possible issues with the No. 19 of Blewett were found. The parts in question will be taken back to the NASCAR Research & Development Center in Concord, N.C., for further evaluation.
Silk has been fast everywhere this year too... even if the finish doesn't show it. One has nothing to do with the other anyway since that is still the 12 team with a little extra help from combining with the guys on the 19...
The unofficial results of Fridays NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour race at Stafford (Conn.) Speedway have been revised due to rules violations discovered on the fifth-place car the No. 19 driven by Jimmy Blewett.
The No. 19 car was found to be in violation of Sections 12-4-A (actions detrimental to stock car racing); and 20D-5.10.1B(2) (Altered carburetor booster passages) of the 2008 NASCAR rule book. The violations were discovered during post race inspection on May 23.
The violations dropped Blewett to 31st in the official race finish. All other drivers in the event moved up one position in the official finishing order. Tom Grasso, crew chief of the No. 19 team has been placed on NASCAR probation until Dec. 31, 2008.
The carb itself had been teched numerous times in post race tech in the past, and now it fails. Not quite sure what the difference could have been. And as far is it being the 12 team with a little help from teh 19, its the opposite. It's the 19 cars and crew with help from the 12 team.
The carb itself had been teched numerous times in post race tech in the past, and now it fails. Not quite sure what the difference could have been. And as far is it being the 12 team with a little help from teh 19, its the opposite. It's the 19 cars and crew with help from the 12 team.
Do you know what carb was on the motor? I'm pretty sure teams don't always use the same carbs and motors week after week, so how do you know how many times this particular one was teched? And just because all of the cars are painted white with 19's on them doesn't mean they are all the same cars and motors as last year. The two teams combined resources including chasis and motors (meaning the 12 brought car(s) and motors to the 19 shop), which means that some stuff is from the 12 team and some still from the 19. So who knows what belongs to whom or what was run where in the past
I know that the particular carb had been teched prior from speaking to the previous owner of the carb who the #19 team bought it from. I know it was that carb that had been bought from that owner as members of the team told me this week when I visited their shop. If I didn't have first hand info, I wouldn't go saying things like that.
The way I see it, if it came from "the horses mouth" then that's the way it is. NASCAR is a very strange bunch to begin with, and those of you who have worked on any tour car know how screwy those officials can be.
Somewhere it was asked if Stafford Motor speedway had anything to do with Jimmy being singled out. Taht would be IMPOSSIBLE, the track officials have NOTHING to do with NASCAR whelen Modified Tour tech.
I feel bad for Jimmy, but NASCAR felt the carb was in the wrong and that is the way it goes. I just hope to see continued enforcement of the rules for ALL teams.
That is my two cents worth. -WMT-
The Carbs are teched with a go no go gage before the race. When they tech the top 5 and tech carbs from the top 5 they disassemble them in the trailer. The passages were drilled allowing more fuel to flow than the normal 390 Cfm carbs do.
Commonly used at New Smyrna, and the Shootout. Where tech is pretty much not done.
The only thing legal on the 19 car in FLA was the decals same thing with the #60 car and #40 car Cheat to beat
The carb itself had been teched numerous times in post race tech in the past, and now it fails. Not quite sure what the difference could have been. And as far is it being the 12 team with a little help from teh 19, its the opposite. It's the 19 cars and crew with help from the 12 team.
Besides everything else wrote here, it also doesn't matter how many times something has been teched. Just because something slipped by in the past doesn't make it legal.