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May 9, Long Beach, NY--- NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour driver Rick Fuller recently announced that he is retiring as a driver. I suppose it comes to most drivers at some point that its time to hang it up. But Fuller will be really missed.
Always a fan favorite, hes also a favorite of the media. Whenever he finishes up front, the top three are brought up to the pressbox for the post-race interview. If youre a fan sitting outside the box and you hear a lot of laughter, you always know which of the three drivers are talking.
The 47-year old driver won the Tour Championship in 1993, as well as being voted the Tours Most Popular Driver in 2000. Fuller made his first Tour start on March 31, 1985 at Thompson International Speedway, with 1 top five and 3 top tens. In 14 starts that year, he won $9,977 in purse money. The most hes won in any one year was in 1997 when he totaled $79,589. During his championship season, he only banked $71,196. Still, Rick has made many deposits, as his career earnings are $1,153,340.00. His biggest purse was from Richmond on April 8, 1990 win, where he garnered $17,800.
With 426 starts, he has 20 wins, 144 top fives and 230 top ten finishes. Hes taken 11 pole positions.
The above stats are only from the Whelen Modified Tour, which dont include his 1980 Westboro Speedway Late Model Championship, 1982 Thompson International Speedway Late Model Championship, or his 1985 Thompson Modified Championship.
Hopefully, someone will entice Rick to step in to their car, at least part-time. If not, Victory Lane interviews are going to be very boring in the future.
I just went by the article posted at LongIslandMotorsports, so it is POSSIBLY wrong. BUT it was NOT me just randomly posting a rumor. Here is a link to that article: