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Nationwide COT coming mid-2009: The NASCAR Nationwide Series likely will go with its own version of the car of tomorrow in 2009, but not at the start of the year as had been originally targeted by NASCAR officials. The rollout of the new Nationwide car most likely will be around midway through 2009, NASCAR Vice President of Competition Robin Pemberton said Saturday at Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez. It will probably be in the middle of next year sometime, Pemberton said. We will try to do something thats more user-friendly than the roll-out schedule that they had in the Cup Series. We probably will go later in the year but more races in a row. We havent determined that but well look at sometime after mid-year. Once it starts, it likely will be a clean break with the new car used in all events except for road courses where NASCAR will revert back to the old car, Pemberton said.(SceneDaily.com)(4-19-2008)
More on the Nationwide COT: We are working very hard on the COT, [Nationwide Series Director Joe] Balash explains. Well utilize the NASCAR 110-inch wheelbase certified chassis, and it will be interchangeable between the Sprint Cup and Nationwide garages. [But] were going to do something unique with the bodies to give the Series its own look as opposed to the past. The last point is a reminder of the dangers posed by creating a Nationwide car too much like their Sprint Cup cousins; and when you talk to Balash, you sense his focus at ensuring the next generation of Nationwide vehicles create a unique driving style all their own. We want [the new car] to drive somewhere between a Truck and Cup car, he says. And weve been working with drag and downforce to be somewhere in between. We want the car to drive a little easier than a Sprint Cup car; [and while] there are some components of the body that are the same, weve relocated them. For example, weve moved the rear deck lid forward, and the same distance we moved it forward, weve moved the front of the body forward, helping the car turn just a little bit better in the corner. Its been great to see from concept to the car in the wind tunnel. When that concept becomes reality, the timeframe is still very much TBD. My hope is to introduce the new car next year, says the series director. Were looking at an August timeframe based on the conversations weve had with owners and others in the garage.(Frontstretch.com)(5-2-2008)