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McColl Racing Enterprises Offers $10,000 to ACT Teams Ontario chassis builder posts bonuses for winning drivers
For Immediate Release ACT-041708-1
LONDON, ON $10,000 has been posted for American-Canadian Tour stock car drivers competing in McColl Racing Enterprises-built Late Models in 2008. The London, Ontario-based chassis manufacturer has entered into a contingency agreement to reward winning McColl drivers on the ACT Late Model Tour and the Série ACT Castrol. Any McColl chassis driver that wins two main events on the ACT Tour or two main events on the Castrol series will be given a product certificate worth $1,000. If a McColl driver wins three events on one series, the prize will be elevated to $2,500. Four wins is worth a whopping $5,000 in McColl Racing Enterprises chassis equipment, safety gear, and engine components. We want ACT teams using McColl chassis to know that positive results benefit both them and us, said Alan Pinsonneault, General Manager of McColl Racing Enterprises. We are very excited to be a part of ACT, and we are looking forward to rewarding the drivers that bring our products to Victory Lane. Second-generation driver Jonathan Urlin, 25, of London, ON, will race full-time with the ACT Late Model Tour in 2008, competing for the Rookie of the Year title. Many veterans consider the former open-wheel IndyCar driver to be a force. Urlin, son of 1989 ACT Champion Russ Urlin, is driving the #9ON Shear Metal Products/McColl Racing Enterprises Chevrolet this season. It is expected that Urlin will be tested by other McColl drivers at many ACT events in 2008, including Brandon Watson of Stayner, ON, Pete Vanderwyst of St. Thomas, ON, Kawartha (ON) Speedway regulars Bryan Mercer, Dave Morgan, and Linc Brown, and Waterford Speedbowl driver Mike Lindquist of Wilton, Connecticut. McColl Racing Enterprises is a full-line equipment dealer for many industry-leading manufacturers, including Five Star RaceCar Bodies, Longacre Racing Products, and MSD Ignition. McColls 6,500 square-foot chassis shop and store is in London, Ontario. For more information, visit www.mccollracing.com. The ACT Late Model Tour season opens this Sunday (April 20) at 1:00pm with the New Hampshire Governors Cup 200 at Lee USA Speedway in Lee, NH. The Série ACT Castrol season kicks off at Autodrome St-Eustache near Montréal on Sunday, May 18. For information, call (802) 244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244- 6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616