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No fewer than 15 entries for the April 12-13 SK-150 have tasted victory in the past at Waterford Speedbowl. That includes the past two winners - Frank Ruocco ('06) and Jeff Pearl ('07).
Seven have set fast time at least once including the track record holder Kenny Horton.
The $20,000 SK-150 is the centerpiece of the 12th annual Budweiser Modified Nationals. The $5,000-to-win "150" is part of a 10-race event that also kicks off the season for the Bowls Late Model, Sportsman, Mini Stock and Legends divisions.
The Northeastern Midget Association, Pro4 Modifieds, AllStar Race Trucks, Allison Legacy Cars and the new NEMA Lites are also on the schedule. A weekend practice April 5-6 precedes the Modified Nationals.
Ted Christopher and Dennis Gada are the other one-time "150" winners on the list. Others who know the way to the Bowl's Victory Lane are Ron Yuhas, Doug Coby, Rob Summers, Horton, Dennis Charette, Corey Hutchngs, Rob Janovic Jr., Jeffrey Paul, and Frank Mucciacciaro Jr.
In addition to Horton, Gada, Yuhas, Summers, Fowler, Christopher and Pearl have set fast time in the past.