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#36 Team Cutting Back Schedule; Wallace to the #28: UPDATE 2: Fitz Motorsports' Shark Energy Drink #36 Nationwide Series team will temporarily slow operations, effective immediately. Kenny Wallace drove the car in the first five Nationwide Series events this season. A number of different factors led to the decision. "Sponsor money for the #36 Dodge was based on distribution of Shark Energy Drink," said team owner Armando Fitz. "While the initial response was terrific, it's taking longer than anticipated to generate enough funding to run the #36 car competitively in the Nationwide Series. "We're going to scale the #36 team back and put a full effort toward our #22 Supercuts Dodge," Fitz added. "Kenny Wallace has an opportunity to drive for another Nationwide Series team and we certainly don't want to hold him back. Kenny has been a great friend and supporter of our program, and he deserves to be racing full time." Fitz Motorsports will customize a race program for Shark Energy Drink as more distribution outlets are found and product is sold.(Fitz Motorsports PR)(3-17-2008)
AND: Rusty Wallace said on NASCAR Now tonight that Kenny will drive the #28-Jay Robinson Border Patrol car.(3-17-2008)
UPDATE: Jay Robinson Racing announces that Kenny Wallace will be behind the wheel of the #28 U.S. Border Patrol Chevy for the remainder of the 2008 Nationwide Series Season. Kenny will make his debut in the #28 U.S. Border Patrol Chevy this Saturday March 22, 2008 in Nashville during the running of the Pepsi 300.(Jay Robinson Racing PR)(3-18-2008)