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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
got the ok from state, has the insurance, it is on jim morton and mike clayton are hard on this thing also they have kevin ayers on ther side and he has the big bucks. better get your tickets early
If you folks want to discuss the up coming Turkey Derby at Wall that is fine, but leave the personel attacks on the people involved out of it......That is the reason why we edited a portion of Anon's post above.
If you folks want to discuss the up coming Turkey Derby at Wall that is fine, but leave the personel attacks on the people involved out of it......That is the reason why we edited a portion of Anon's post above.
so much for free speech. did Jim cry to you? does the truth hurt? shouldn't people know they are sending their hard earned money to someone with less than credible moral standards? I just don't want the racing community screwed by Wally World again.
WOW Annon. You are such a fan I see. I usually do not get involved in things like this BUT this has got me a little P'Oed.
ANYONE that calls themself a FAN of Auto Racing, and then goes on a rampage like yours should take up another interest. If you don't like Wall then don't go. I personally am doing everything I can to make it.
anyone who calls themselves a moderator should get their facts straight.
where did I call myself a fan? I'm on the other side of the fence. what rampage? I stated facts. not rumors. everything I have typed is a fact. and sometimes, the truth hurts. just like your panties being all bunched up over what I've had to say. here's some more facts. they are asking for volunteers to fix the place up for free, ok, don't pay them, but how about offer the help a discount on a ticket? nope! don't go you say? ha! I plan on spending Thanksgiving with my family, not at Wally World.
Anon, we have stated it here on more than one occasion so in case your new to the board comments about peoples personel lives are a no no.
If you have something to say that is racing related that is fine, but things that happen or are alleged to have happen in someones personel life that has absoluteley nothing to do with racing will not be allowed.
Another thing that isn't appreciated is giving the forum moderators a hard time who are only doing the job we ask them to do.
see, you might want to check the facts. what I stated is not "alleged" to have happened. it has been recorded in police records. it's not something I made up. what I have said is racing related, you just chose to not believe it. it's ok, I'm done. I'll be back Nov 28th to laugh at those who chose to support this and find the gates locked. OR if they do get the gates open, good luck with those Waterford like rubber checks.
oh and it's spelled personal if it's about a person.
I can not say I will mis you Annon. no matter WHAT SIDE OF THE FENCE you are on, you have one of the most negative attitudes EVER. I seriously hope that you do not mean you are a car owner or even worse a driver.
And by the way your little comment was the best laugh i have had in a while. I'm sure many of our more mature mebers (meaning more mature than yourself) enjoyed it as well.