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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Bassett Racing Wheel Rejoins American-Canadian Tour
For Immediate Release ACT-030608-1
BURLINGTON, WI Bassett Racing Wheel will rejoin the American-Canadian Tour (ACT) stock car racing organization in 2008, continuing a long and successful partnership with the sanctioning body in the northeastern United States and Canada. Bassett is the leading manufacturer of auto racing wheels in the U.S., and has a style of wheel for virtually every type of stock car. Bassett is also an industry leader in research and development, safety, and innovation. ACT drivers will be rewarded by Bassett throughout the year; the second-place finisher in each of 12 ACT Late Model Tour events throughout the U.S. and Canada will receive certificates, as will the second-place finisher in each event of the nine-race Série ACT Castrol in Québec and Ontario. Bassett will also give awards at the conclusion of each series season, with the top three championship drivers receiving a certificate toward the purchase of Bassett Racing Wheels. There will also be a random draw at each series Banquet of Champions, rewarding a lucky driver with four free, powder-coated wheels. Bassett Racing Wheel is the short track racing industrys clear-cut leader in terms of wheel safety, reliability, and technology, and it has been since the 1960s, said ACT Director of Competition Dean Gallison. We are excited to have Bassett back in the ACT family, and I am positive that our racers will be appreciative of Bassetts season-long support. The ACT Late Model Tour season opens at New Hampshires Lee USA Speedway on Sunday, April 20. The Série ACT Castrol season gets underway at Autodrome St-Eustache near Montréal on Sunday, May 18. For more information on Bassett Racing Wheel, call (888) 888-7199 or visit www.bassettwheel.com. For information on the American-Canadian Tour, call (802) 244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com. To learn more about Bassett Racing Wheel, visit www.bassettwheel.com, or click the link on the ACT website. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244-6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616