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You heard here first Chuck Hossfeld to drive The Mystic Missle on the Full Whelan Modified Tour...... And what happen to my buddy The "Bunny"Rabbit 28.......Did he get thrown off?? Is he on vaction?? Is his computer broken?? I miss all the James Civali talk.....
You are wrong. I talked with the car cheif on the 4 on Sunday and they don't have a driver yet. He even made a point to tell me he heard the rumor that Hossfeld was in the car, and there was no truth to it. Guess again.
Ill bet ya.....How much???? They said the same thing before Rob Summers drove for them..they said the same thing before Chuck drove for them they said the same before Jerry and they did the same thing last year with Donny!!!!! Do you see where im going with this yet??? Trust me its a done deal!!!!
Alrite, your right, I'm wrong. I would still much rather have seen who they talked about driving for them though. They still will be tough to beat this year.
According to Chuck Hossfelds web site, he will be back on the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour full-time in 2008. Bob Garbarinos race team is familiar territory for the Ransomville, New York native, who drove the famed V-4 from 2002 to 2004. Bob Garbarino won his first NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour championship last season.
AHHHHHHH no more Bunny Rabbit......That stinks cause I know he likes this site.....cause he knows he can run his mouth about his Dirty little driver and get away with it!! And when he picks on one of cleanest drivers out there that is just not rite.... The Chrome horn or MSS will not put up with his BS...no offense Open wheel....ohh by the way heard he likes to im himself...
AHHHHHHH no more Bunny Rabbit......That stinks cause I know he likes this site.....cause he knows he can run his mouth about his Dirty little driver and get away with it!! And when he picks on one of cleanest drivers out there that is just not rite.... The Chrome horn or MSS will not put up with his BS...no offense Open wheel....ohh by the way heard he likes to im himself...
Try IM'n yourself see how it works out for you you Moron.
Ok, folk's the thread started out about Chuck Hossfeld returning to drive the #4 and has turned into everything but about Hossfeld driving the #4 in 2008.
Let's either return the thread to talking about Hossfeld and the #4 team or it will be closed or deleted.