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WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA American-Canadian Tour (ACT) stock car driver Patrick Laperle of St-Denis, QC was named the Best Northeast Touring Racer at the second annual SpeedwayEXPO trade show, Sunday, March 2, at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, MA. Laperle recovered from a life threatening blood infection last year to win a pair of events and the Série ACT Castrol championship. He also won twice on the ACT Late Model Tour: the Summer Sizzler 200 at Ontarios Kawartha Speedway and the 44th Annual Chittenden Milk Bowl at Vermonts Thunder Road. In just its second year, SpeedwayEXPO has established itself as the northeasts premier annual stock car racing trade show and exposition. Hosted by the award-winning staff at Dick Berggrens Speedway Illustrated magazine, SpeedwayEXPOs Speedy Awards are designed to honor grassroots race teams, tracks, organizers, fans, and supporters. Race fans submit nominations and votes for 11 Speedy Award categories, with the winners determined by a combination of fan votes and Speedway Illustrated staff collaboration. Laperle won the Best Northeast Touring Racer award over some of the continents finest short track racers, including NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Champion and current Craftsman Truck Series driver Donny Lia of Jericho, NY; four-time Northeast Midget Association (NEMA) Champion Ben Seitz of Pocasset, MA; six-time Mr. DIRTcar Champion Brett Hearn of Kinnelon, NJ; and International Supermodified Association (ISMA) Champion Chris Perley of Rowley, MA, the awards inaugural winner. What an honor it is to win that award, said a shocked Laperle. I found out that I had been nominated a while ago, and when I saw who I was up against, I sort of forgot about it because I didnt think I would have a chance to win. It means a lot to me to be thought of that highly as a race car driver. Patrick deserved to win the Best Northeast Touring Racer award, said Speedway Illustrated Editor Karl Fredrickson. He and his family team are hard workers, good racers, and fun people to be around. Speedway Illustrated would like to congratulate Patrick Laperle on his success. The Série ACT Castrol begins its fourth season at Autodrome St-Eustache near Montréal on Sunday, May 18. The ACT Late Model Tour season opens one month earlier at New Hampshires Lee USA Speedway on Sunday, April 20. For more information, call (802) 244-6963 or visit www.acttour.com or www.laserieactcastrol.com. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244- 6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616