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2nd Thoughts by Reiser: For the past 12 years, between the Sprint Cup and Nationwide Series, Robbie Reiser [former #17 crew chief] was in the midst of the buzz as Kenseth's crew chief. His adrenalin would be flowing in anticipation of all the calls he would have to make to get his driver into Victory Lane. "I don't like it that much," he said of his new job as general manager at Roush Fenway Racing. "If somebody came up and said you can do your old job again, I'd probably take it in a heartbeat." Daytona was Reiser's first weekend in his new role. He spent most of Sunday bouncing between each of team owner Jack Roush's five haulers, making sure the crew chiefs had everything they needed for the Daytona race and this weekend's Sprint Cup race at California Speedway. Reiser says he'll give this role a few months before deciding if it'll become permanent. If he decides it's not for him, he won't hesitate to look for another crew chief job, at Roush Racing or another organization. "When we get to April and May, I'll look at it," Reiser said. "If I still can't stand it, I'll go talk to Jack." Adjusting to all the management meetings has been Reiser's toughest chore. He would rather have his head under the hood getting his hands greasy than pushing a pencil.(full story and more at ESPN.com)(2-22-2008)
UPDATE: Former crew chief Robbie Reiser, who now oversees Roush Fenway Racing's Cup program, told ESPN.com last week that he doesn't like his new role as general manager. Car owner Jack Roush was asked about Reiser's comments Monday. "He's not yet got comfortable with his new job,'' Roush said. "One of the things that happens is that between the driver and me, there's a crew chief. [He] would intercede for the driver and, by the same token, the driver would intercede for the crew chief if things aren't as they might be. Right now, it's Robbie and I. There's no buffer. Some days I think that may be not as comfortable as what he had. He's got a real big job. He's doing a good job at it. If he had a choice today between going back and being a crew chief and being a manager, he'd probably go back, but we're not going to give him that choice.''(Roanoke Times)(2-27-2008)