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Dale Jr. upset over DEI's removal of his memorabilia: A mix-up over memorabilia has created hurt feelings with #8ale Earnhardt Jr., while his former team claims it's all a misunderstanding. Earnhardt said Monday he's upset that all signs of his stint at Dale Earnhardt Inc. had allegedly been removed from the shop. First told of the absence of his memorabilia last week, he originally said he didn't care. But at the first day of testing at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Earnhardt said time to think about it had made him mad. He said the team members that were part of his Daytona 500 victory and two Busch Series championships should be recognized at the shop. "It sort of hurt my feelings that it's sort of a hack at even the guys that are still there and have worked on that car," Earnhardt said. "To not see the accolades or any sort of appreciation for the work that they did, and they're still there." The absence of Earnhardt-related items was noticed by media who attended a luncheon at DEI last Wednesday. The driver left his late father's company at the end of last season, and he'll drive for Hendrick Motorsports this year. But Max Siegel, president of DEI, said Monday that the team has Earnhardt memorabilia on display and "about nine of his old cars" had been moved off the showroom floor to make room for the luncheon. "There seems to be some confusion over memorabilia and merchandise," Siegel said. "We no longer have a relationship with Dale Jr. or Budweiser, so we have no license, agreement or business reason to sell any of that merchandise in our gift shop. But as far as memorabilia, more than half of the showroom floor is dedicated to Dale Jr.'s history here."(Associated Press/ESPN.com)(1-29-2008)
Dale Jr. upset over DEI's removal of his memorabilia: A mix-up over memorabilia has created hurt feelings with #8ale Earnhardt Jr., while his former team claims it's all a misunderstanding. Earnhardt said Monday he's upset that all signs of his stint at Dale Earnhardt Inc. had allegedly been removed from the shop. First told of the absence of his memorabilia last week, he originally said he didn't care. But at the first day of testing at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Earnhardt said time to think about it had made him mad. He said the team members that were part of his Daytona 500 victory and two Busch Series championships should be recognized at the shop. "It sort of hurt my feelings that it's sort of a hack at even the guys that are still there and have worked on that car," Earnhardt said. "To not see the accolades or any sort of appreciation for the work that they did, and they're still there." The absence of Earnhardt-related items was noticed by media who attended a luncheon at DEI last Wednesday. The driver left his late father's company at the end of last season, and he'll drive for Hendrick Motorsports this year. But Max Siegel, president of DEI, said Monday that the team has Earnhardt memorabilia on display and "about nine of his old cars" had been moved off the showroom floor to make room for the luncheon. "There seems to be some confusion over memorabilia and merchandise," Siegel said. "We no longer have a relationship with Dale Jr. or Budweiser, so we have no license, agreement or business reason to sell any of that merchandise in our gift shop. But as far as memorabilia, more than half of the showroom floor is dedicated to Dale Jr.'s history here."(Associated Press/ESPN.com)(1-29-2008)
i guess the throery of "you can be replaced" is in play now...... i hope mother threasa knows what shes doing... i know max dont know anything from his foot to his head........
the demise of DEI is comming soon if they keep pulling this kind of stunts......
UPDATE: #8ale Earnhardt Jr. said his feelings about the removal of show cars and memorabilia at Dale Earnhardt Inc. were mischaracterized, and he has no ill will toward his late father's company. Max Siegel, president of DEI's global operations, said Wednesday that the cars and memorabilia were returned to the showroom after the media luncheon on Jan 23. "There is no anger or ill-feeling towards DEI, period," Earnhardt wrote Wednesday on his Web site. "Nearly half the cars that were moved out of the showroom to accommodate the media tour consist of cars I've won races and championships with, and any fan of mine who wants a glimpse of my past can still and always will find it at DEI. I know that DEI is proud of its past. Max Siegel has been nothing but honest, direct, and supportive. We both sincerely wish success for each other. We both want to move forward diligently with our individual futures in this sport. To continue to have to answer about the past makes it difficult for either one to achieve that. We're both solidly entrenched in new chapters of our lives, and it's a great feeling."(AP/ESPN.com)(1-30-2008)