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UPDATE: A Miami law firm announced its plans Monday to file a lawsuit against a NASCAR driver accused of assaulting a 62-year-old security guard at the Homestead-Miami Speedway last month. Russell Dohan, an attorney with Goldberg & Dohan, said the lawsuit against NASCAR driver Kasey Kahne would be filed Monday in Miami. Kahne, 27, is charged with one count of battery against Archibald Hutchison, who was working as a security guard at the speedway for a race Nov. 16 when the incident allegedly occurred. According to a Homestead police report, Kahne was attempting to access a restricted recreational vehicle parking lot on a golf cart after he finished driving his racecar when Hutchison stopped him and asked him for credentials. Kahne stated that he was a driver and didn't need any, then got out of the golf cart and tried to walk through the gate, the report stated. When Hutchison blocked the entrance and asked Kahne for credentials again, Kahne pushed Hutchison to the ground, according to the report. The report said Kahne was stopped and detained by law enforcement officers who witnessed the incident. He was arrested later that day and released on the signed condition that he appears in court. Hutchison, who was advised not to let any unauthorized people through gate 208 without exception, was treated at the speedway's medical facility for minor bruises and abrasions, according to the report. Dohan said Hutchison hasn't been able to return to work because of his injuries. Dohan said his client has suffered emotionally from the incident and is "getting killed" by NASCAR fans on Web site blogs. He also said he planned to have his client speak with the media about the lawsuit at a news conference planned for Tuesday.(local10.com)(12-17-2007)
I heard Kasey thought the old cogger was the grand father of one of those chicks that stalk him on the commercials and wasn't going to wait for something to fall on him & his golf cart!
Kahne pleas not guity for Homestead pushing incident: Gillett Evernham Motorsports driver #9-Kasey Kahne has filed a written plea of not guilty to a charge of misdemeanor battery stemming from an alleged pushing incident with a security guard Nov. 16 at Homestead-Miami Speedway. The not guilty plea was filed Thursday and cancels the arraignment scheduled for Tuesday. Kahne has hired Richard Sharpstein as his attorney. Sharpstein has been in the news recently as the attorney and family friend of murdered Washington Redskins safety Sean Taylor. Kahne also faces a civil suit stemming from the incident. According to witness statements, Kahne's brother said Kahne was pushing the guard's hands off of him, while the security guard claims Kahne shoved him.(SceneDaily.com)(1-5-2008)
From Jayski.com: Latest on Kahne's Homestead battery charge: Gillett Evernham Motorsports driver #9-Kasey Kahne will have his record cleared provided he performs 50 hours of community service and donates $50 donation to a court charity to resolve a misdemeanor battery charge from Homestead-Miami Speedway in November 2007. The court will dismiss the misdemeanor charge against Kahne once he performs his community service, according to Miami-Dade County (Fla.) court records. Such matters are typically resolved with this type of agreement when there is a dispute over the facts and the accused, with no criminal record, prefers to take care of the matter without going to trial. Kahne has maintained his innocence in the matter over whether he pushed security guard Archibald Hutchinson, who was guarding the driver motorhome lot Nov. 16, 2007 during the race weekend at Homestead. Kahne typically does community service as part of his foundation work. Kahne still faces a civil suit in the matter.(SceneDaily)(12-9-2008)