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Furniture Row Racing signs Nemechek to 3yr deal: Furniture Row Racing announced that the Denver (CO)-based Nextel Cup Series organization signed a three-year contract with NASCAR driver Joe Nemechek. Nemechek, who has collected four Nextel Cup Series wins, nine pole awards and numerous front row starting spots since 1997, will drive for Furniture Row Racings #78 Nextel Cup Series team and will work with owners in efforts to build a second team in 2008. We are thrilled to have Joe on board, said Furniture Row Racing Team Manager Joe Garone. Were geared up to win in 2008 and planning for growth as we enter our third Nextel Cup season. After an extensive search and evaluation, we concluded that Joe is the man to get us where we need to be in 2008 and beyond. He is the best qualifier and best average finisher of available drivers. Hes also a great guy and a proven leader. When we put it all together, the choice was easy. Furniture Row Racing announced plans last July to seek additional sponsorship for car #78 and to ultimately direct Furniture Row Racing sponsorship to formation of a second team. Implementation of the plan will become a priority in 2008, with guidance and support from Nemechek both on and off the track.(Business Wire)(11-3-2007)