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Sauter in Limbo for 2008: #70-Johnny Sauter is receiving mixed signals about his future at Haas CNC Racing but believes the overriding message from the team is clear. "The word put to me is we're not going to tell you that you have a job, we're not going to tell you that you don't," Sauter said. "They haven't said I'm going to be released, but yet they're saying I should be out there looking for something. That means I need a job, you know what I mean? The fact that I've been told to look strongly suggests that I should start beating the bushes." The team has hired Scott Riggs for the 2008 season but hasn't said whether he'll be filling Sauter's #70 Chevy or Jeff Green's #66. Sauter said he hasn't been told if he's competing with Green for the team's second seat. "I don't have a clue," he said. "I've never been in limbo quite like this before." The three-time winner in the Busch Series would like to stay in NASCAR's premier series, but the prospects seem dim because most of next season's open rides have been filled.(USA Today)(10-19-2007)