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WATERFORD, Conn. -- Rob Janovic Jr., a home-grown product, is the 2007 Waterford Speedbowl SK-Modified champion. The crown comes after a dozen campaigns at the oval where he literally grew up.
One of three first time champions, Janovic took the lead at midseason and that fought off a determined effort by Dennis Gada, the 2006 king who was seeking a record seventh championship. Janovic, who won three times, was never out of the top 10 in 23 starts.
Janovic will share center stage at the January 12 07 Awards Banquet (at the Groton Inn and Suites) with four other champions Bruce Thomas Jr. (Late Models), Dwayne Dorr (Sportsman), Ken Cassidy Jr. (Mini Stock) and Michael Gervais Jr. (Legends).
Dorr was the only defending champion to succeed. Thomas title goes along with his 2001 Mini Stock crown. Cassidy, Gervais and Janovic will celebrate their first championships.
Four of the championship runs went to the final event, three of those going to the final checkered. Saturday night produced 37 winners, the SK leading the list with 10.
Gada, the SK win leader with seven including the Finale, came up strong over the final weeks and wound up 10 behind Janovic in the final rundown. Jeff Pearl, who won two of three extra-distance events, was third in points.
Thomas was the top winner, collecting 12 checkereds in dominating the Late Model division. Other division leaders included Dorr six Sportsman wins, Cassidy, with six Mini wins, a Mark Bakaj with five Legend wins.
Danny Field, who was seeking a record third-straight Mini title, gathered steam at midseason and came within 18 points of Cassidy. Field, Joe Godbout III and Phil Evans all had five wins.
Ernie Bertrand enjoyed an excellent season finishing second ahead of a battle for third that eventually went to Ed Reed Jr. over teammate Larry Goss.
Al Stone III kept Dorr from running away while Jim Procaccini nipped Jack Aquilina in a season-long battle for third in the Sportsman standings.
Gervais, who won twice, made consistency pay finishing 30 in front of Chris Bakaj. Wild n Wacky Wednesday champ was third.
Waterford Speedbowl Final Point Standings (Win in parenthesis)
SK MODIFEIDS 1. Rob Janovic Jr., Waterford, 988 (3); 2. Dennis Gada, Salem, 978 (7); 3. Jeff Pearl, Salem, 870 (4); 4. Tyler Chadwick, Ledyard, 764; 5. Jeffrey Paul, Ledyard, 760 (10; 6. Diego Monahan, Quaker Hill, 756 (1); 7. Don Fowler, Clinton, 742; 8. Shawn Monahan, Waterford, 734 (2): 9. Frank Mucciacciaro Jr., Milford, 644; 10. Wendell Dailey, Gales Ferry, 624; 11. Dennis Charette (1), 612; 12. Tom Fox, 520 (2); 13. Jay Miller, 434; 14. Kenny Horton, 388 (1); 15. Glenn Pressel III, 366. Other Winner: Todd Ceravolo
LATE MODELS: 1. Bruce Thomas Jr., Groton, 1088 (12); 2. Ernie Bertrand, N.Branford, 934; 3. Ed Reed Jr., Waterford, 872 (3); 3; 4. Larry Goss, N.Windham, 832 (1); 5. Vin Esposito, Seymour, 802; 6. Dave Zemke, Guilford, 734; 7. Tim Jordan, Norwich, 680 (5); 8. Rich Duranti, Quaker Hill, 662; 9. Richard Staskowski, Hope Valley, RI, 622; 10. Anthony Macrino, Waterford, 536; 11. Allen Coates, 488 (1); 12. Duane Noll, 420; 13. Ron Yuhas, 392; 14. Michael Kluczinsky, 372; 15. Terry OBrien, 312. Other Winner: Dennis Botticello (2)
SPORTSMAN: 1. Dwayne Dorr, 1050 (6); 2. Al Stone III, 1028 (3); 3. Jim Procaccini, 872 (2) ; 4. Jack Aquilina, 870 (5); 5. Josh Galvin, 734 (1); 6. Walter Hovey, 658 (1); 7. Dan Emery, 654; 8. Chuck Rogers, 556; 9. Joe Nogiec, 542; 10. John Puglisi, 520; 11. Ed Clark, 514; 12. Bill Gertsch Jr., 504 (3); 13. Ed Lamb Jr., 384; 14. Mark LaJoie, 366 (1); 15. Ed Giles, 350.
MINI STOCKS: 1. Ken Cassidy Jr., 1032 (6); 2. Danny Field, 1018 (5); 3. Joe Godbout III, 992 (5); 4. Phil Evans, 912 (5); 5. Randy Churchill, 882 (1); 6. Kyle James, 818 (1); 7.Louis Bellisle, 802; 8. Jack Aquilina, 692; 9. Soup Civardi, 576; 10. Nate Appell, 566; 11. Ben Bargnesi, 564; 12. Chris Williams, 556; 13. Mark Panaroni, 484; 14. Ian Brew, 446; 15. Chuck Rogers, 436.
LEGENDS: 1. Michael Gervais Jr. 540 (2); 2. Chris Bakaj, 510 (3); 3. Jason Palmer, 462 (1); 4. Mark Bakaj, 458 (5); 5. Brian Quimette, 436; 6. Ed Field, 412; 7. Max Zachem, 350; 8. Justin Rau, 334; 9. Dan Bisignano, 322; 10. Artie Moran Jr., 314; 11. Adam Gada, 302; 12. Joe Gada, 272; 13. Carl Blandina; 14. Justin Holmes, 252; 15. Ben Erlandson, 232. Other Winner: Glen Billings (1)