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Rockingham Speedway Purchased for $4 Million: The owner of a high-performance driving school in Charlotte submitted the winning bid Tuesday -- $4 million -- for the nearly abandoned North Carolina Speedway. Andy Hillenburg, who competed in 16 NASCAR races [actually 16 Cup, 9 Busch, 4 Truck], finished 28th in Indianaolis 500 in 2000. His bid was one of less than 10 submitted. Hillenburg is trying to bring lower-tier NASCAR races to the track, which was abandoned by NASCAR in 2004. "We'll definitely have racing here," Hillenburg said. "We'll have some driving shcools. We'll have some movies and commericials, and have a few legends races, and hopefully be an important part of the community. And that's the thing. I want to be a part of it. I want to be a part of this community. I love this sport a lot, and I want to make a difference." Hillenburg plans to move his family to Rockingham from Charlotte. The speedway was put up for auction by Speedway Motorsports Inc., whose chairman is Bruton Smith. Speedway Motorsports owns tracks in Concord; Atlanta; Fort Worth, Texas; Bristol, Tenn.; Las Vegas; and Sonoma, Calif. "Today is a win for Rockingham. No question about it," said Rockingham Mayor Gene McLaurin. "It's a win for this community. And I'll tell you what else it's a win for. It's a win for race fans, too."(WRAL.com)(10-2-2007)