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Saturday, September 29, 2007 Heath Hindman Scores First PASS South Win in the Over the Mountain 150 at Hickory
by Jeremy Troiano, 51 Sports
HICKORY, N.C. -- Heath Hindman put an end to Ryan Lawlers dominance in the PASS South Super Late Model series at Hickory Motor Speedway (NC) Saturday night in the Over the Mountain 150 for his first-career PASS South victory. Hindman took the lead for good on lap 143, when Lawler, who had won the previous two PASS South events at Hickory and had a dominating performance Saturday going for his third in a row, suddenly slowed in turn one under caution with a bad alternator.
That left Hindman to hold off PASS North regular Trevor Sanborn for the victory over several late-race restarts. Hindman crossed beneath the checkered flag .369-seconds ahead of Sanborn for the victory.
Brian Royalty, in his first-ever PASS South start, finished third, ahead of Preston Peltier and Jason Hogan in the top-five.
The PASS South competitors now have approximately one month to prepare for the series penultimate event of the 2007 season. The Howler at Greenville-Pickens Speedway (SC) will be the series next race on October 27th, which will be followed by the season-ending Mason-Dixon Meltdown at Concord Motorsport Park on November 16th and 17th.
For more information on the PASS South Series, contact Jeremy Troiano at (704) 788-2134, and for news regarding the PASS North Series, contact Mike Twist (207) 590-1786. For more information on PASS contingency programs and for technical questions, contact Scott Reed at (207) 625-3230 and be sure to visit www.racewithpass.com, as well as the official website of PASS North, www.proallstarsseries.com.
OVER THE MOUNTAIN 150 PASS South Super Late Models Hickory Motor Speedway Unofficial Results 1. Heath Hindman 2. Trevor Sanborn 3. Brian Royalty 4. Preston Peltier 5. Jason Hogan 6. Tim Nooner 7. Perry Brown 8. Tom McCann, Jr. 9. Mark Gibson 10. Brian Payne 11. Brad Bischoff 12. Dean Clattenburg 13. Cassius Clark 14. Robbie Brown 15. Ryan Lawler 16. Corey Williams 17. Rick Frenette 18. John Batten 19. Alex Fleming 20. Allen Gordon 21. Spencer Wauters 22. Lee Tissot 23. Ted Musgrave, Jr. 24. Brandon Johnson 25. Darren Shaw 26. Bradley McCaskill 27. Zach Stroupe 28. Jimmy Doyle