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Jeff Abold of Pennellville, NY is the 2007 USAC Northeast Ford Focus driving champion and his team, Pat Abold Motorsports, is the car entrant champion. Abold emerged as the champion following the cancellation of the originally-scheduled October 6-7 events at Seekonk (MA) Speedway.
Abold, who was the runner-up to Ryan Smith in the 2006 series standings, posted five victories, a second and two fourths while notching 11 top-10s in 12 starts and finished 27 points ahead of P.J. Stergios in the final standings.
Abolds victories came at Epping, NH, Chemung, N, Williamson, NY, Oswego, NY, and Belmar, NJ. Abolds father and car owner Pat is a former participant in USACs Silver Crown Championship Series.
Trailing Abold in the final series standings were Stergios, of Candia, NH, Steven Intravaia of Saylorsburg, Pa, Ryan Osborne of Milford, NJ, and Jesse State of New Hyde Park, NY.
1. Jeff Abold 728 2. P.J. Stergios 701 3. Steven Intravaia 643 4. Ryan Osborne 636 5. Jesse State 571 6. Shaun Gosselin 505 7. Sean Carman 442 8. Jon Seaman 427 9. Rick Hart 418 10. Ginny Quinones 397 11. Nick Ribbe 362 12. Dan Moore 277 13. Aaron Wall 260 14. Shane MacMillan 183 15. Rick Fedrizzi 181 16. Jake Stergios 175 17. Jeremy Tsihlis 166 18. Chris Lamb 125 19. Matt Bettencourt 116 20. Mike Hoffman 91
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 11:08, 2007-09-23