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Brewco Sold? It's been a tough year for owners that focus primarily on the Busch Series. Three-quarters into the season, some longtime teams have either closed up shop or are standing idle due to lack of sponsorship. Looks like Brewco Motorsports is next in line for a drastic change. Two reliable sources have told Frontstretch.com that a deal was made to sell Brewco to a financial partner on Wednesday afternoon. When reached for comment, Todd Wilkerson of Brewco PR denied the sale, but did admit the organization has been working with one potential partner for awhile now and that "Hopefully, they'd have something to announce pretty quick." Speculation from a source claims that "partner" is Joe Gibbs Racing.(Fronstretch.com Newsletter)(9-13-2007)
UPDATE: Hearing that Gary Baker, former owner of Nashville Motor Raceway and Bristol International Raceway, has invested in the team in some capacity.(9-14-2007) UPDATE 2: Brewco has confirmed that Gary Baker has invested in Brewco Motorsports. He is a stock holder and partner in the team as is Clarence Brewer.(9-14-2007) UPDATE 3: Brewco Motorsports Inc. announced that Gary Baker has joined Brewco Motorsports Inc. ownership group. Gary Bakers extensive NASCAR experience has included that of a driver, team owner, and the one time owner of the Bristol Motor Speedway & the Nashville Speedway.(Brewco PR)(9-14-2007) UPDATE 4: Former track owner Gary Baker has purchased controlling interest in Brewco Motorsports and intends to move the team to Nashville, Tenn., possibly by the end of the year. The team announced Friday that Baker had joined the team's ownership group, but a source said Baker would have control of the team. Team president Todd Wilkerson, who said he will remain with the team as a consultant, said the deal was necessitated by the increased cost and competition in the Busch Series. The team's name could eventually change as part of the deal, perhaps to Baker Brewco Motorsports or something similar.(SceneDaily.com)(9-15-2007)