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Rudd injures shoulder in California crash: Ricky Rudd injured his shoulder in a crash during Sunday night's Sharp Aquos 500 at California Speedway. After being caught up in a six-car pileup on lap 181 of the 500, Rudd was transported to a local hospital for further evaluation. NASCAR officials confirmed he was treated and released. Rudd, driver of the #88 Robert Yates Racing Ford, separated his left shoulder according to FoxSports.com. NASCAR officials would only confirm that Rudd injured that shoulder.(SceneDaily.com)(9-3-2007)
UPDATE: Ricky Rudd, who made his 900th career Cup Series start Sunday at California Speedway, separated his left shoulder and was briefly knocked unconscious in a wicked wreck during the Sharp Aquos 500, the veteran driver told ESPN.com. The shoulder is the major concern, and leaves Rudd concerned about his status for next weekend's Chevy Rock 'n Roll 400 at Richmond International Raceway. He said he wouldn't grade his chances of competing as very high.(ESPN.com)(9-3-2007) UPDATE 2a: For the first time in his NASCAR Cup Series career, Ricky Rudd will miss a race because of injury. The left shoulder separation Rudd suffered last Sunday at California Speedway will prevent him from competing in this weekend's Chevy Rock & Roll 400 at Richmond International Raceway, the veteran driver told ESPN.com on Tuesday. The wreck "tore a bunch of ligaments and tendons," Rudd said. "I'm out at Richmond." Rudd will be evaluated on a week-to-week basis to determine his return to competition. Kenny Wallace will replace Rudd in the #88 Snickers Ford. Rudd said he'll still attend the race to assist in any way possible, including driver/team communication. Rudd, who made his 900th career Cup Series start Sunday at California, separated his left shoulder and was briefly knocked unconscious in a wicked wreck on lap 181 of the Sharp Aquos 500. The last time Rudd was unable to compete because of injury was early in his career, when he'd only begun dabbling in stock car racing. At the time he was racing motorcycles, and a compound fracture of his arm ended his season. "Yeah, that was the only time and we really didn't have a true schedule, so to answer [the] question, no, I've never had to miss a race due to injury -- until now," Rudd said.(ESPN.com)(9-4-2007)